Features and Usage

In this chapter I will discuss some of the principal features of s4m from the perspective of a composer-programmer using s4m to create musical works. In the interest of space, I will not cover all of S4M’s functionality, however the interested reader can consult the online documentation in which all the capabilities are covered. (https://iainctduncan.github.io/scheme-for-max-docs/)

This chapter assumes some familiarity with the Max platform, though readers unfamiliar with Max should be able to follow along. Where I refer to a message sent to the s4m object, I am referring to a Max message, such as would occur when a message object is connected to an inlet of the s4m object and clicked or “banged”.


Scheme for Max is released as a Max Package which contains: the s4m and s4m.grid Max externals; a collection of Scheme source files; a Max help patch demonstrating features and use; and some example patches and Max for Live devices using S4M. In order to use S4M, the Max user must download the package file and uncompress it in their Max Packages directory, after which it will be possible to create an s4m object in a Max patch and to open the s4m help patch for assistance.

Object Initialization

Bootstrap files

When the s4m object is created in a Max patch, it will initialize itself by loading the bootstrap file, s4m.scm. This file contains Scheme code on which the documented s4m functionality depends, and also loads several other Scheme dependencies. This bootstrap file is available for inspection and alteration by the user, and it is expected that advanced users will alter their bootstrap file, allowing them to automatically load additional files that they would like to have available by default.

The bootstrap file additionally loads the file s74.scm, which contains Scheme definitions that are not specific to Max. s74 is intended to be an extension to s7 to provide convenience functions that a typical user will want available. It adds various higher-level functions taken from, or inspired by, less minimal Scheme implementations, such as Chez and Chicken, as well as from the related Lisp dialects of Clojure, Racket, and Common Lisp.

The bootstrap file also loads several files that are packaged with s7 itself but are optional: stuff.scm, loop.scm, and utilities.scm. These files come as optional extensions in s7 itself, and define several macros borrowed from Common Lisp and used in Common Music, such as loop, dolist, and dotimes.

Once the s4m object has loaded s4m.scm and its subsequent dependencies, it is ready to be used.

Source Files

The user can load source files into the s4m object in several ways. The primary way is to provide a file name as the first argument in the s4m object box in Max, similar to how this done in many other Max objects that load files, such as the js and buffer objects. S4M will search the Max file paths (user configured paths for source code search) to find the named file, and will load it if found. This file is then considered the main file for the s4m object instance. Double clicking the s4m box will print the full path to the main file in the console as a convenience to users.

Sending the s4m object the reset message will re-initialize the object, recreating the s7 interpreter and reloading the bootstrap files and the main file. Sending s4m a reload message will reload the main file, without resetting the interpreter. The difference here is that if one has made definitions in the interpreter from outside the main file (how this happens will be covered shortly), these will not be erased on a reload, but will be on a reset.

Sending s4m a source some-file.scm message will load some-file.scm and set it as the main source file. This can be useful in cases, such as in a Max for Live device, where it may be convenient not to have to edit the Max patch to change the main file. This use case is not uncommon as the commercial licenses required to use Max for Live and to edit in Max for Live are different. For example, one might create a device where a text box can be updated and is interpolated into a source message, allowing a user of the device, who may not have the ability to edit devices, to change the main file.

The message read some-file.scm will load a file (again searching on the Max file path) without resetting the interpreter or changing the s4m main file. This is useful when working on a program or piece while it runs: a user can put state variables and score data in one file and algorithms in another, allowing them to reload the algorithms file after changing it, while leaving the state and score data alone.

In the event that the user has multiple similarly-named files on their Max search path, Max will load the first one it finds, and print a message to the Max console indicating that multiple source files were found and which one it loaded. (This is a feature of Max, and has nothing to do with s4m specifically - it comes with the use of the SDK functions to load files from the search path.)

Inlets and Outlets

By default, the s4m object will be created with one inlet and one outlet. The @ins and @outs attribute arguments can be used at instantiation time to create additional inlets and outlets, to a maximum of thirty-two outlets. While these are implemented as Max attributes, they cannot be changed in the Max object inspector as their number must be set before object initialization. They can only be set as @ arguments in the object box.


Inlet 0 Scheme Expressions

Input to the s4m object works differently depending on whether one uses the main left-most inlet (a.k.a. inlet 0) or subsequent inlets. A common pattern in Max objects is for objects to accept “meta” messages in inlet 0 - messages that configure the object, but are not calls to execute the object’s main functionality. S4M follows this pattern, and supports a number of meta messages, such as the previously mentioned reset and source messages. While these message have an effect on the Scheme interpreter, they are handled by the s4m object’s C functions, rather than being passed to the Scheme interpreter for evaluation. I refer to messages that are handled this way as reserved messages, as they are not meant to be used as function names in Scheme (technically, there is nothing preventing this, but it is not recommended as it will not be obvious how a message is being handled).

Any messages to inlet 0 that are not reserved messages are evaluated as expressions by the Scheme interpreter. S4M adds implicit enclosing parentheses around any non-reserved messages that do not already start and end with parentheses, and then passes the message to the s7 interpreter for evaluation. This convenience feature allows users to make calls from Max messages to Scheme more visually readable - for example, a message of my-fun 99 will be treated as (my-fun 99). This also make it possible for users to programmatically build Scheme expressions with Max objects, such as by using the prepend object to insert a symbol at the beginning of some list. The return value from evaluation is normally printed to the Max console, though S4M provides various facilities for controlling how much is printed to the console (see the documentation).

This facility makes it very straightforward for users to add input mechanisms to their programs. For example, if they want a number box to update a Scheme variable, they can use Max’s dollar sign interpolation facility in a message such as set! my-var $1, connecting a number box or dial to this message, and connecting the message box to inlet 0 of the s4m object. Typing the number 99 into the number box will now result in Scheme calls to set the my-var variable to 99, as the s4m object will receive the message set! my-var 99 and will treat this as (set! my-var 99), evaluating accordingly. This capability significantly reduces the amount of code the user must write to make interactive patches when compared to the Max js object, as the js object requires explicit handler methods to be made for any input (Cycling 74 n.d.).


Figure 2: Setting Scheme variables using Max message interpolation.

A result of this input facility is that when one uses a symbol in a Max message sent to inlet 0, the interpreter will take the symbol to be a variable name in the running Scheme program’s top-level environment. Should the user wish to pass in a symbol (i.e., not refer to a variable), they can use the standard Scheme leading single quotation mark to quote the symbol. They can also use an s7 keyword (a symbol beginning with a colon, that always evaluates to itself), in which case evaluation does not change the fact that the keyword is a symbol. Rather fortunately for us, Max does not assign any special meaning to either single quotation marks or colons. One can, for example, even name various Max objects such as buffers with colon-prefixed names.

For the majority of use cases, this is the easiest way to send input to the Scheme interpreter. When one wants to do something with an argument from Max, one can use message interpolation or the prepend object to turn the incoming argument into a Scheme expression, and have the interpreter evaluate it.

There do exist, however, several convenience functions in case users want to handle input with even less boilerplate in their Max patch, at the cost of more boilerplate on the Scheme side. The f-int, f-float, f-bang, and f-list handlers are automatically invoked when the s4m object receives an integer, float, bang, or list respectively in inlet 0. If the user has defined such a function, it will be invoked, if they have not, the default handlers will be invoked, which simply print an error message. (These are named f-int, f-float, etc. to avoid the inconsistency that would result had we used int, float, and bang, as list is a built in Scheme function.)

Inlet 1+

There are times when it is not desirable that the incoming symbols in Max messages be taken as Scheme variable names. An example of this is dealing with incoming Open Sound Control (OSC) messages, where one may not have control over the text of the incoming message, and thus inserting single quotation marks to indicate symbols is not possible. For this reason, messages to inlets over 0 are not automatically evaluated as Scheme code. This means that in order to accept input in inlets over 0, one must create a handler function and register it with Scheme for Max using the listen function. The call to listen takes arguments for the inlet number, the type of incoming message, and the handler function, where the type of incoming message can be one of: integer, float, symbol, or list. The handler function must be a single-arity function as it always receives its arguments as a single bundled list. This allows handlers to be generic and also allows the same handler to be registered for multiple types of message. An incoming Max list message made of Max symbols will be treated as a list of incoming quoted symbols. (Experienced Lisp programmers can think of these as being automatically quoted arguments.) It is up the handler to unpack the arguments from the list passed in.

Below is an example of defining a listener for a message consisting of an integer, and a second for a list.

;; handler message, all arguments are bundled into the args variable
(define (my-int-handler args)
  (let ((int-arg (args 0)))
    (post "s4m got the int:" int-arg)))

;; register it to listen for integers on inlet 1
(listen 1 :int my-int-handler)

(define (my-list-func args)
  (let ((list-length (length args))
        (first-arg   (args 0)))
    (post "s4m received a" list-length "item list, first item:" first-arg)))

;; register it to listen for lists on inlet 1
(listen 1 :list my-list-handler)


The s4m object can output a Max message from any of its outlets using the out function. This is accomplished by passing the out function an outlet number and either a single value or a Scheme list of output values. Output values must be either integers, floats, symbols, or strings. Other value types (such as hash-tables or nested lists) will produce an error. Code to output various messages from outlet 0 is shown below.

;; output number 99
(out 0 99)
;; output a max list of ints
(out 0 (list 1 2 3))
(out 0 '(1 2 3))
;; output a bang
(out 0 'bang)
;; output the value of my-var
(out 0 my-var)
;; output the max symbol "set"
(out 0 'set)
;; output the max message "set 99"
(out 0 (list 'set 99))

Note that in Max, the special message type “bang”, such as one gets by clicking on a bang object, is synonymous with a message of a single symbol atom consisting of the symbol “bang”.

Sending Messages

In addition to outputting messages via Max patch cables through the s4m object’s outlets, the s4m object can also send messages directly to Max objects that have been given a Max scripting name. On instantiation, and additionally on receipt of a scan message, s4m objects iterate over all objects in the same patcher and recursively through any descendent patchers. On finding any object with a scripting name, a reference to the object is placed in a registry in the s4m object, implemented as a Scheme hash-table with scripting names as keys and object references as values. The send function can then be used to directly send messages to these objects by using a symbol argument similarly named. Attempting to send to an unrecognized object will produce an error.

This uses the message sending functionality in the Max SDK, and is functionally no different from sending a message to a destination object via a patch cable. As with regular patch-cable messages, execution will pass to the receiving object and will not return to the caller until all subsequent processing in the receiving object has finished. A variant of send exists, send*, which flattens all arguments to allow conveniently sending list messages.

Code to send messages to a named destination is shown below:

;; update the contents of a number box that has scripting name "num-target"
;; by sending it a numeric message
;; we quote num-target below as we want the symbol num-target, not the
;; value of a variable named num-target.
(send 'num-target 99)

;; send a message box a message to update to the contents to "foobar 1 2 3"
(send 'msg-target 'set 'foobar 1 2 3)

;; or if we had the list ('foobar 1 2 3) in a variable named "msg":
(define msg '(foobar 1 2 3))
(send* 'msg-target 'set msg)

This facility allows one to orchestrate complex activity in a Max patch without having predetermined connection paths. The results of messages sent this way (as with patch-cable messages) are determined entirely by the receiver.

Buffers & Tables

Max contains two types of globally-accessible objects for storing arrays of numerical data: the buffer and the table. Buffers are typically used to store floating-point sample data while tables are typically used to store integers, but either can be used for either. Both provide the programmer the ability to use indexed collections, and can have names, allowing objects that are not connected to a given buffer or table object to interact with them. The main use for buffers is as a container for audio data that can be played back in various ways, as well as manipulated programmatically by reading from and writing to them. An interesting feature of buffers is that the abstraction of the buffer of samples can be accessed by multiple Max objects by referring to the buffer by name, the name being provided as an argument to the buffer object that instantiates the buffer. This allows many objects to access the same audio sample.

Scheme for Max provides a collection of functions for reading and writing to and from buffers and tables, as well as convenience functions for getting the length of table or buffer and verifying if there exists a particular named buffer or table (buffer?, and buffer-samples, table?, table-length).

The simplest way of using these is to read or write a single data point using buffer-ref and buffer-set!. However, in the case of buffers, at the C level, Max locks the buffer before a read or write operation to ensure thread-safety in case other objects (that may be running in other threads) attempt to access the same buffer. Similarly, Max provides an ability to notify on a buffer update, so that objects sharing the buffer (such as visual display objects) can update their displays accordingly. Consequently, interacting with a collection of samples from the same buffer with a Scheme loop that makes repeat calls to buffer-ref or buffer-set! is slower than necessary, as locking, unlocking, and notifying will happen on every loop iteration. For these scenarios, s4m functions exist to copy blocks of samples between Scheme vectors (Scheme’s basic array type) and buffers, in which optional starting index points and sample counts are provided as arguments. At the C level, these lock, unlock, and notify only once, running direct low-level memory copies for all samples in between locking and unlocking.

;; example buffer operations
;; return true if buffer-1 is a buffer
(buffer? 'buffer-1)

;; get number of samples in buffer
(buffer-size 'buffer-1)

;; read value at index 2
(buffer-ref 'buffer-1 2)

;; write 0.5 to index 3
(buffer-set! 'buffer-1 3 99)

; make a vector
(define my-vector (vector 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5))

;copy vector into buffer in one operation
(buffer-set-from-vector! 'buffer-1 0 my-vector)

While buffers (and to a lesser degree, tables) are implemented around the primary use case of storing sample data, they can in fact be used for storing numerical data in arrays for any purpose. The s4m facilities thus provide a complement to the Max functions, enabling iterative array manipulation with more convenient looping constructs than are built into Max.


Another higher-order data abstraction provided by Max is the dictionary, a key-value store in which one can store a variety of Max data types as values, and use integers, floats, symbols, or strings as keys. Max provides a rich API for working with dictionaries, including the ability to refer to them by name across many objects, serialize them to JSON, update them from JSON files, and even send references to them between objects. There are a number of Max objects that have the ability to dump their contents to dictionaries, and various display handlers.

The Scheme equivalent of a dictionary is the hash-table, a key-value store that can hold any valid Scheme object, either as a key or value. S4M provides functions to interact with Max dictionaries and to convert between Max dictionaries and Scheme hash-tables. Notably, these are recursively implemented: converting a Max dictionary to a Scheme hash-table will convert all values in the dictionary, including nested dictionaries, regardless of the depth of nesting. Interestingly, Max supports numerically indexed arrays of heterogenous type as values in dictionaries, even though there is no convenient way of directly working with arrays of heterogenous types in the visual patcher (though one can in JavaScript using JavaScript arrays or objects). Thus, using a dictionary as a container is one way to have simple arrays in regular Max. If these are encountered during the conversion from a Max dictionary to a Scheme hash-table (or vice versa), S4M converts the nested arrays to Scheme vectors, where these vectors may contain a mix of types, including further nested dictionaries and arrays.

Similar to Common Lisp and Clojure, s7 Scheme (but not all Schemes) provides a keyword data-type, which is a symbol that starts with a colon, and that always evaluates to itself. These are commonly used as keys in hash-tables. This is a convenient practice in Max, as one does not have to worry about quoting or unquoting as data passes through evaluation boundaries, such as when messages from Max go through inlet 0 of an s4m object.

S4M provides the functions dict-ref, dict-set!, dict->hash-table, hash-table->dict, and dict-replace for working with dictionaries. Of note is that these provide some convenience capabilities for getting and setting values in nested dictionaries without having to nest calls to dict-ref and dict-set!, as shown below.

;; get a value from max dict named "test-dict", at key "a"
(dict-ref 'test-dict 'a)

;; get value at key "ba" in nested dict at key "b"
(dict-ref 'test-dict (list 'b 'ba) )

;; get the value at index 2 in the nested vector at key "c"
(dict-ref 'test-dict '(c 2) )

;; set a value in max dict named "test-dict", at key "z"
(dict-set! 'test-dict 'z 44)

;; set a value that is a hash-table, becomes a nested dict
(dict-set! 'test-dict 'y (hash-table :a 1 :b 2))

;; set value at key "bc" in nested dict at key "b"
(dict-set! 'test-dict (list 'b 'bc) 111)

;; set a value that is a hash-table, creating an intermediate hash-table automatically
(dict-replace! 'test-dict (list 'foo 'bar) 99)

;; create a hash-table from a named Max dictionary
(define my-hash (dict->hash-table 'my-max-dict-name))

;; update a Max dict from a hash-table
;; if the Max dictionary does not exist, it will be created
(hash-table->dict (hash-table :a 1 :b 2) 'my-max-dict-name)

S4M Arrays

While in Max one has access to arrays of heterogenous type through dictionaries, and homogenously typed arrays of integers and floats through buffers and tables, there is no direct equivalent of the simple statically sized and homogenously typed C array (that is to say, buffers and tables are much more complex, coming with various forms of overhead). Scheme for Max fills this gap by providing its own internal implementation of arrays, the s4m-array, which provides an interface to static C arrays. These are created with the make-array function, providing a name, size, and type, where type may be :int, :float, :char, or :string. These arrays are stored by name in a global registry in the Scheme for Max code, allowing multiple s4m objects to use them to share data between instances. As the arrays are created in the s4m global registry, these persist beyond the life of a single s4m object, and are, at this point, only freed upon a restart of Max.

S4M provides functions for working with these point-by-point, (array-ref and array-set!) as well functions for copying blocks of data to and from Scheme vectors (array->vector, array-set-from-vector!).

;; create a 128-point array of integers, naming with a keyword
(make-array my-array :int 128)

;; copy a value from one array to another
(array-set! destination-array dest-index
  (array-ref source-array source-index))

;; update a block of data from a Scheme vector
(array-set-from-vector! display-array 0 #(0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8))

Unlike Max buffers, s4m-arrays do not include any thread protection. They are intended to be used in cases where speed of access is the top priority, leaving synchronization issues (and safety!) up to the programmer.

The motivating use case for s4m-arrays is that of driving graphic displays of tabular data as quickly as possible, such as one would when making a visual display for a step sequencer. In this scenario, one might have one s4m instance that contains a sequencer engine which works with sequence data stored in vectors, and a second instance, running in the low-priority thread off a timer, that drives a graphic display showing this data.

In this scenario, we have an implementation of a producer-consumer pattern: we know that only the sequencer will produce data, writing to the s4m-array, and only the consumer will read the data. We also know that if the consumer should get partially updated data (perhaps its thread runs part way through an update from the producer), this is not a serious problem - some ripple in the display as data refreshes is acceptable to the user as a cost for realtime performance. Given our strict producer and consumer scheme, and our acceptance of ripple, the s4m-array is preferable to using data structures such as buffer or table, which will run more slowly on account of the thread-synchronization code that they run.

The s4m.grid object

The missing piece for the scenario just discussed is a display element, and for this purpose Scheme for Max provides a graphical display object, the s4m.grid. The grid provides a visual grid on which we can draw values in each cell. It is implemented as a Max UI object, built in the C SDK, and has attributes that may be changed in the Max inspector window for controlling spacing, font size, striping, conversion to MIDI note names, vertical versus horizontal orientation, and whether a value of zero should be drawn or remain blank.

The grid can be updated in two ways. The first is to send it a Max list message. On receipt of a list, the grid will update each cell from the list, iterating either by rows then columns or vice versa, depending on the orientation attribute. The second update method is to read directly from a named s4m-array, on receipt of the readarray message. In the second case, the grid iterates through the s4m-array using direct memory access (again according to the orientation attribute), updating each cell. Updating from an s4m-array has the speed advantage that no Max atoms or message data structures need to be created and then parsed for each item of data - the numerical data are read directly from contiguous memory by the display function. When driving a large grid from a timer, this has a significant impact on the processing load created. The result of this is that it is practical to have several large grids updating multiple times per second without creating problematic loads.

The intended workflow is that the programmer will have a component of their sequencing system acting as a view driver. This can be code that is run on a periodic timer (perhaps every 100 to 200 ms), queries the desired Scheme structures (such as reading the sequence data vectors from a Scheme sequencer), and writes the data which we want to view into an s4m-array, thus acting as the producer half. On a separate timer (or the same timer if desired), a grid element running in the UI thread will be sent the display message with the name of this array, acting as the consumer and triggering a redraw of the contents.

In this workflow, the s4m-array acts as a framebuffer, a data structure that virtually represents a display element, and the entire system acts as an immediate-mode GUI. An immediate-mode GUIs decouples the display from the data model, making it possible for the display to accurate reflect the current state of sequencing data, regardless of how it was set - that is, the system makes no assumptions that the graphical widget displaying data is also responsible for updating data. This is desirable in an algorithmic music platform as one cannot assume that the state of the sequencing data originates from GUI actions - it could come from autonomous processes, network requests, MIDI input, and the like. The disadvantage of an immediate mode GUI is the processing cost: it is constantly running data queries and updates regardless of whether data has changed. Thus, the low-level speed optimizations of the s4m.grid and s4m-array facilities make immediate-mode GUIs practical where previously they were not. In my personal experiments, comparison with the Max built in jit.cellblock (the built in tabular display element) showed very significant speed increases - from unusable with one 64 x 16 grid, to usable with four 64 x 16 grids with minimal CPU impact.


Figure 3: The s4m.grid display object.

Scheduling Functions

Arguably the most important features of Scheme for Max are its scheduling and timing capabilities and their integration with the Max threading and transport subsystems. On a surface level, they are quite straightforward: s4m provides functions that allow one to schedule execution of a zero-arity Scheme function at some point in the future. The simplest of these is the delay function. In the example below, an anonymous function is created (in order to make a zero-arity function) and put on the scheduler to execute in 1000 milliseconds. The call to delay returns a handle that can be used to cancel the scheduled function.

;; create a lambda function that prints to the console,
;; and schedule it for 1 second in the future, saving the handle
(define my-handle
  (delay 1000
    (lambda () (post "Hello from the future!"))))

;; cancel its execution
(cancel-delay my-handle)

The delay function has variants that allow one to schedule in ticks (based on the Max global transport, at 480 ticks per beat), and in quantized ticks, where execution time is forced to align to a tick boundary regardless of at what time the call to delay was made. The quantized tick delay functions will thus only execute if the Max transport is playing, making it possible to synchronize scheduled functions accurately with other Max sequencing tools or with the Ableton Live built-in sequencers.

;; schedule my-function for 1 quarter note from now
(delay-t 480 my-function)

;; schedule my-quantized-function for 1 quarter note from now, but forcing now
;; to be interpreted as on the nearest 16th note boundary from the time
;; of the scheduling call, given a running transport
(delay-tq 480 120 my-quantized-function)

At an implementation level, these use the Max SDK’s clock functions, which allow one to precisely schedule execution of a callback function. It is important to note that in modern versions of Max these functions are designed to preserve long-term temporal accuracy regardless of immediate jitter. Jitter, in this context, refers to the difference between the scheduled time and the actual execution time as one would see if analyzing recorded audio.

For optimal real-time audio performance in Max, the recommended settings are to have “audio in interrupt” and “overdrive” enabled. When both of these are turned on, the Max engine alternately runs a DSP pass (calculating a signal vector of samples), and a scheduler thread pass (Cycling 74 n.d.). This means that the actual onset time of events triggered from scheduler thread processes can be off by up to a signal vector of samples, resulting in small timing discrepancies. At a signal-vector size of 64 samples (the default for Ableton Live) and a sample rate of 44100 samples per second, this is ~1.5 milliseconds, and is thus a musically acceptable discrepancy. Note though that the clock functions in current versions of Max compensate for this in the long run such that this discrepancy does not accumulate. Tests I made during development confirmed that even after long playback times, clock driven functions did not accumulate jitter, and that if one sets the Max signal vector size to 1 sample, the timing on the clock functions is sample accurate (at the cost of much higher CPU use).

The Scheme for Max functions use these clock facilities by putting a reference to the Scheme callback function (the function passed to the delay function) into a special internal registry, keyed by their handles. When the C clock callback runs, the stored handle is retrieved and used to retrieve the Scheme callback, which is then executed.

There is a powerful but not immediately obvious capability granted by the combination of this facility and the nature of Scheme’s lexical scoping. This is that Scheme for Max makes it possible to easily specify whether a scheduled function should use values taken from the environment at the time of scheduling, or at the time of execution for which it is scheduled. This is not possible in regular Max patching, and while it is technically possible using JavaScript, it is of limited practical use given the problematic levels of jitter one may have when using the js object. (As previously discussed, this is because it is always executing in the low-priority thread.)

This facility makes musical algorithms and real-time interaction possible in interesting ways. For example, one might create a patch in which dials or hardware change some musical value. This value can be captured at scheduling time, such that when the function executes in the future, the value where the dial was is used. Alternatively, one can use a function that explicitly looks in the global environment for settings at run time of where the dial is now.

Below is an example of a function that uses both of these facilities. The value read from dial-1 will be used as it was at scheduling time, while the value from dial-2 will be looked up in the future.

;; capture the value of g-dial-1 and use it in the function
;; look up the value of g-dial-2 in the future
(delay-t 480
  (let ((dial-1-capture g-dial-1))
    (lambda ()
      (let ((dial-2-now (eval 'dial-2)))
        (post "dial-1 was:" dial-1-capture)
        (post "dial-2 is:" dial-2-now)))))

In combination with s4m’s capability of updating code interactively while programs run, this scheduling flexibility enables the programmer-performer to edit algorithms used in a performance in interesting ways, even once they have already been scheduled.

Finally, these facilities enable a workflow known as “self-scheduling” or “temporal recursion”, in which a repeating function schedules the next pass of itself (Lazzarini 2016, 115-116). This enables the composer to create evolving processes, as each pass of a function can change the data, (or even the code!) of the next pass of the function. One might think at first glance that this would result in an accumulation of timing jitter, but the implementation of Max clocks does indeed make this possible while preserving temporal accuracy over long periods of time, something I have tested extensively.

Below is an example of a function scheduling itself. The first iteration of this function would be kicked off by a call to the start function, and the temporal recursion will stop when the variable playing is set to false.

;; a variable to turn on and off playback
(define playing #f)

;; a function that schedules itself to run on every quarter note
;; and keeps track of how many times it has run
(define (my-process runs)
  (post "run number:" runs)
  (if playing
    (delay-t 480
      ;; create an anonymous function that wraps the next call to my-process
      ;; this is necessary as we can only schedule zero-arity functions
      (lambda ()(my-process (+ 1 runs))))))

;; a function to start the process
(define (start)
  (set! playing #t)
  ;; kick it off with the first call
  (my-process 0))

;; a function to stop the scheduling chain
(define (stop)
  (set! playing #f))

The above can, of course, be combined with the previously mentioned lexical scoping capabilities, enabling implementations of complex, interactive, algorithmic process music in succinct and flexible code. The Scheme for Max online documentation and example repositories contain examples of interactive algorithmic sequencers implemented in this way.

Garbage collector functions

I have previously referred to the fact that, as a high-level, dynamically-typed language, Scheme includes a garbage collector (a.k.a. gc). The garbage collector is a language subsystem that finds and frees memory which has previously been allocated by the program but is no longer needed. Garbage collection spares the programmer the tedious and error-prone work of manually allocating, tracking, and freeing the memory used by variables in the language. Garbage collection was first implemented in the Lisp-family of languages, but is now a standard feature of almost all modern high-level programming languages, including Java, C#, Python, Ruby, and JavaScript.

The problem with garbage collection in soft-realtime work (such as music, where missed deadlines are undesirable, but not catastrophic) is that the gc must periodically do its work, in which it scans over the program memory, looking for unused memory allocations and freeing them. This can be a computationally expensive process when the program is large or uses large amounts of data, thus taking time and potentially leading to missed deadlines. Further complicating things, garbage collection is of indeterminate duration, as the work that the gc must do is heavily dependent on the particular algorithms and data structures used in the program over which it is running That is to say, a program of some given size and memory use may require more or less garbage collection processing, depending on how precisely it is written. (Deutsch and Bobrow 1976, 522-523)

For these reasons, the use of garbage-collected languages is not common in realtime audio programming, where the program must be doing constant calculations to produce streams of samples. Scheme for Max, however, is intended to be used at the note level, rather than the audio level, thus the typical time between blocks of computation is potentially much higher (i.e., the temporal gap between notes rather than between blocks of samples), giving us potentially adequate time for a garbage collector to run. Modern audio workstations allow a user to configure the output audio buffer size, corresponding to the number of samples the program pre-computes in one block, and thus also corresponding to the latency of realtime operation. This essentially provides the program with a buffer of time during which it can catch up on “bursty” work. While the s7 garbage collector will cause issues if attempting to run Scheme for Max programs in a host with very low output buffer and latency settings (e.g., 64 samples or less), on a modern computer and moderately sized program, the gc is able to run within the latency period of an output buffer of 128 samples or more (depending on the program). This is sufficiently low for playable latency in many situations.

Nonetheless, a heavy Scheme for Max program can run out of time for the garbage collector, resulting in audio underruns and audible clicks. For these cases, Scheme for Max provides some additional facilities for controlling whether and when the gc runs.

The first of these, perhaps counterintuitively, allows one to control when the gc runs on a timer, allowing it to run more frequently than is the case if one does not force a gc run. This increases the overall work the gc does (as it runs more frequently), but lowers how much work it must do on each pass, allowing each pass to complete more quickly.

Sending the gc-disable message to the s4m object disables automatic running of the gc, leaving one to explicitly force a run by sending the gc-run message, which can be triggered off a timer such as a Max metronome. In my experience, setting this to somewhere between 200 and 300 ms works well and provides better realtime performance than is possible using the automatic gc, which may wait many seconds between runs.

A second facility is the ability to change the starting heap size of the Scheme for Max object. The lower the heap size, the faster the gc runs, as it must run over less memory. The s4m object accepts an initial @heap attribute to set the starting heap size. This works well so long as one checks whether the heap allocated will be big enough. If it is not, a heap reallocation will be required when s4m is out of memory, which is likely to cause audio issues as this allocation takes some time. Users can use s7’s built in gc reporting by turning on the gc-stats flag, which will result in output to the console on each gc pass, including the amount of memory it must run over. This can be used to ensure the initial heap size is adequate by running some tests over a given piece or Scheme program to determine the lowest feasible heap size.

Finally, if the performance of a piece is of a reasonable duration, the user may elect to disable the garbage collector altogether. This is done again by sending the gc-disable message, but this time without following it by any forced gc runs. In this case, the heap will likely need to be rather large, as the memory use of the program will grow as it runs, with unused memory never getting freed. In programming parlance, this is referred to as a “memory leak”, and is normally considered a bug. However, given that the size of audio sample libraries and personal computer RAM is now commonly in the gigabytes, it is certainly not unreasonable for one to pre-allocate a larger heap and let a program grow in memory on the order of megabytes.


This covers the main features and capabilities of Scheme for Max in version 0.4. Additional functions and variations on those discussed here are covered in both the official online documentation and in the Max help file. Additionally, various tutorials with examples are available, and are linked from the main GitHub project page.